Juliet @b______
Frair Laurence gave me this "Vail" I am not sure if its safe or not, but you know what I'll drink it whatever it takes to be with Romeo.. still worried though #Capulet #Juliet (Act IV, Scene I)
Juliet @k______
Romeo sadly got taken away from me and I now have to fake death so I don't have to marry Paris. Luckily Friar Laurence is helping me with this potion so I can be back with the love of my life once again #death#scared#capuletvial (Act IV, Scene I)
Lord Capulet @b______
You know what? Juliet seems a bit sad that Tybalt is dead so I have an idea... why not marry her and Paris? I think she would like that right? #Paris&Juliet #Capulet (Act III, Scene IV)
Friar Laurence @p______
I shall marry Romeo and Juliet soon enough...What a surprise I must say. Romeo goes insane for one girl and then wants to marry the other. Change at its finest. What to do with you, young Romeo? #shocked #married? #Capulet+Montague (Act II, Scene III)
Benvolio @p______
Romeo, Romeo, Romeo...Oh, Romeo. Where have you gone now? Always wandering. He was there, at the party, with us—sudden his disappearance. #whereisRomeo #Capuletsparty #annoyed (Act II, Scene I)
Juliet @j______
Oh Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague why couldn't you be a Capulet. I just wish I could have seen you one last time.#Capulet#Inlove (Act II, Scene II)
Benvolio @i______
Where is though cousin? Romeo is always somewhere. Though Romeo has gotten himself in trouble with those awful Capulets. UGH #Capuletssuck#Whereismycousin#Romeoismissing (Act II, Scene I)
Tybalt @i______
That rat of a Montague how dare thy Romeo to enter our party. How dare thy Capulet not to kick him to the curb! #Montaguesaredum#Capuletforlife (Act I, Scene V)
Juliet @j______
My mother thinks she knows what is best for me by trying to make me marry #Paris but I don't want him. I don't even want to be #married to anyone. #Capulet #NoRing (Act I, Scene III)
Paris @b______
Yo who is Romeo. Y'all saying i'm cooked. Who is this man???🤔🤔🤔 #cooked #who? #capuletsontop #buggin (Act I, Scene I)
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