Juliet @b______
Frair Laurence gave me this "Vail" I am not sure if its safe or not, but you know what I'll drink it whatever it takes to be with Romeo.. still worried though #Capulet #Juliet (Act IV, Scene I)
Paris @c______
I am going to meet my bride today and we are going to have a beautiful date night her name is Juliet and I will meet her at the party tonight. #love #sheismine #juliet #bagged (Act I, Scene II)
Paris @b______
Today I talked to Lord Capulet about how I think I SHOULD get married with Juliet now! why cant we just marry now? she will be happy with me! #ReadyForMarrige #Juliet #Paris (Act I, Scene II)
The Nurse @a______
Busy tending to Juliet's needs, eagerly anticipating the Capulet ball. Hoping all goes smoothly. #Juliet (Act I, Scene III)

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