Lord Capulet @b______
You know what? Juliet seems a bit sad that Tybalt is dead so I have an idea... why not marry her and Paris? I think she would like that right? #Paris&Juliet #Capulet (Act III, Scene IV)
Lord Capulet @n______
#Paris I understand you want to marry my daughter Juliet, but you shall wait. Juliet hath not seen the change of fourteen years. Therefore you may attend my party tonight, but must wait in order for me to grant you permission to marry her. (Act I, Scene II)
Paris @b______
Today I talked to Lord Capulet about how I think I SHOULD get married with Juliet now! why cant we just marry now? she will be happy with me! #ReadyForMarrige #Juliet #Paris (Act I, Scene II)
Juliet @j______
My mother thinks she knows what is best for me by trying to make me marry #Paris but I don't want him. I don't even want to be #married to anyone. #Capulet #NoRing (Act I, Scene III)

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