Using this Website is a Privilege
If any student uses this website for any purpose other than outlined in class, the student's access to the website will be revoked.

Tweets Must Be Insightful
Although your tweets are only 100 to 280 characters, they must show understanding of what happens in the act. You should not just take information discussed in class and turn it into a tweet. Also, the tweets should be appropriate for the character. If the character is sad in the chapter, they should not sound cheerful.

Tweets Should Use Correct Spelling/Grammar
"Internet" abbreviations can be used, but you should not have blatant spelling errors. Even though it may be uncharacteristic of actual tweets, please use correct punctuation and capitalization.

Tweets Should Be Appropriate
Use only appropriate language and slang. Use common sense.

Each post is worth a homework grade. Incorrect posts will be rejected, but can be resubmitted as late. Late posts, if correct, will receive a grade of 80.
This site is in no way affiliated with the real Twitter. Site code and design by Tim Belmont, although both are heavily influenced by Twitter.