Lord Capulet @n______
Hi I am Lord Capulet and my daughter is Juliet. I can not believe what happened to her, I wish this would have never happened to her. To honor her I will put up a gold statue of her. #death#love (Act V, Scene III)
Juliet @k______
Romeo sadly got taken away from me and I now have to fake death so I don't have to marry Paris. Luckily Friar Laurence is helping me with this potion so I can be back with the love of my life once again #death#scared#capuletvial (Act IV, Scene I)
Tybalt @k______
DEATH TO THE MONTAGUES!!! All Montagues are below us, especially that Benvolio! All of them are cowards. #deathtothemontagues #Verona (Act I, Scene I)

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