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Paris @a______
I am Hyped for this marriage. I truly believe I can make Juliet happy and then I hope to enjoy our life together forever. (Act IV, Scene I)
Tybalt @a______
That darn Romeo dares to interrupt my family's big events and get away with him so I shall deal with him soon. Stay tuned to updates (Act III, Scene I)
Prince Escalus @b______
This is unbelievable, I can't believe Tyblat and Mercutio both have been killed. Lady Capulet calls for Romeo's death, but both were defending each other and Romeo got back at Tybalt for Mercutio. So I will spare his life but I banish him from Verona forever. (Act III, Scene I)
Benvolio @d______
I tried to convice Mercutio to go indoors because the Capulets were on the lookout for a fight. It was too late, Mercutio didnt listen to me and got into a fight with Tybalt. This fight led Mercutio being stabbed. If he listened to me the first time this owuld have never happened (Act III, Scene I)
Juliet @b______
Frair Laurence gave me this "Vail" I am not sure if its safe or not, but you know what I'll drink it whatever it takes to be with Romeo.. still worried though #Capulet #Juliet (Act IV, Scene I)
Lord Capulet @b______
i cant believe Juliet just died, i feel so guilty, what if she killed herself because she didn't wanna marry Paris #sus (Act IV, Scene V)
Juliet @h______
Unfortunately, the happy marriage turned gloomy. I have to walk this new route by myself, even if my heart hurts with grief. Friar Laurence's plan unfolds. (Act IV, Scene V)
Juliet @n______
I must take this potion. It will be terrifying waking up in my family's tomb. I will trust Friar Laurence just this time with this potion. I've decided that it's now or never. (Act IV, Scene III)
Romeo @n______
Hi it's Romeo, I can't believe i got kicked out of verona. This is the worst punishment, now it's going to be so hard to see Juliet. I miss my friend and wish he was still here. I can't believe i just ruined my life in a day.#lifesover #thisisdeath (Act III, Scene I)
Romeo @e______
Omg what have I done. How will I ever get to see Juliet again, since I got kicked out Verona. This is horrible I can't believe this is happening right now. My best friend is dead, I got kicked out of Verona and I won't be able to see my wife.What have I done. #worstdayever (Act III, Scene I)
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