Tweets of Benvolio
Benvolio @p______
Romeo, Romeo, Romeo...Oh, Romeo. Where have you gone now? Always wandering. He was there, at the party, with us—sudden his disappearance. #whereisRomeo #Capuletsparty #annoyed (Act II, Scene I)
Benvolio @m______
Oh dear, my cousin, Romeo got a letter from Tybalt for a match of a duel! Although I'm not that worried, I am sure he will accept this challenge and win, he is pretty brave! (Act II, Scene IV)
Benvolio @n______
Romeo had left the Capulet party along with me and Mercutio. Then, he decided to jump over the wall and return. I myself was cautious, serious, and concerned that Romeo will get himself into trouble. (Act II, Scene I)
Benvolio @i______
Where is though cousin? Romeo is always somewhere. Though Romeo has gotten himself in trouble with those awful Capulets. UGH #Capuletssuck#Whereismycousin#Romeoismissing (Act II, Scene I)
Benvolio @s______
I don't like fights and today I got into one. all the capulets love fights and I just don't want that and would rather be at peace. (Act I, Scene I)
Benvolio @a______
HI my name is Benvolio and I am friends with Romeo. I convinced Romeo to come to the Capulet´s party with me. (Act I, Scene II)
Benvolio @b______
I tried to stop the fight that was going on but Tybalt had come along and made matters worse. He encouraged them to continue on fighting which caused a huge fight against everyone. (Act I, Scene I)
Benvolio @a______
Juliet got ts boy lovestruck, idk if hes gonna make his through ts one #freemyboy #enemyfam #enemiestolovers (Act I, Scene II)
Benvolio @m______
Yo, so happy for my boy Romeo, he might have just found his new Rosaline. Been praying lately. If only she wasn't a Capulet.😔😔😔 (Act I, Scene V)
Benvolio @d______
my man Romeo is a simp for Rosaline. I can't believe that he is in love with her SMH. Theres ni hope for my man (Act I, Scene II)
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