Romeo @a______
I can't believe that in just a few seconds after I take this poison that I will be with my sweet Juliet again. Juliet this is for us. Here goes nothing. #anythingforJuliet #truelove (Act V, Scene III)
Juliet @m______
Hello my friends and family Romeo is dead and I must go with him I did this whole sleep potion thing for him so we can be together but I guess it didn't go as planned and I can't live without him I love him and I must be with him I love you all but I must go.#truelove#rideordie (Act V, Scene III)
Paris @l______
Hi I'm Paris, Juliet's suitor. I talked to Lord Capulet about when Juliet and I are getting married and Lord Capulet wants to wait until Juliet gets older. I don't want to wait, I want to marry her now because you can marry young, love young. #truelove #younglove (Act I, Scene II)
Paris @e______
Hi, my name is Paris and I want to marry Juliet now. But Lord Capulet says I have to wait till Juliet is older since she is only 13. But today I finally get to meet Juliet the girl I am going to marry. I wanna marry Juliet now and don't wanna wait. #truelove #marriage (Act I, Scene II)

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