Juliet @z______
So as I was about to go to bed I saw that Romeo was at my window. I'm on the second floor!! He climbed up there to confess his love to me! and now I think we are going to get married!!!#marriage #happy #super! (Act II, Scene II)
The Nurse @l______
Hi I'm The Nurse. Today I found out some wonderful news! I have spoken with Romeo and him and my dear Juliet are getting married! Romeo is such a kind gentleman. I am a little worried about them getting married because of the feud, what will happen if someone finds out? #happy (Act II, Scene V)
Paris @z______
So I was thinking that I would go to Juliet's house and ask her to marry me. Let's just say that it didn't go as planned. But I think I have another shot! #retry #happy (Act I, Scene II)

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