Benvolio @p______
Romeo, Romeo, Romeo...Oh, Romeo. Where have you gone now? Always wandering. He was there, at the party, with us—sudden his disappearance. #whereisRomeo #Capuletsparty #annoyed (Act II, Scene I)
Benvolio @i______
Where is though cousin? Romeo is always somewhere. Though Romeo has gotten himself in trouble with those awful Capulets. UGH #Capuletssuck#Whereismycousin#Romeoismissing (Act II, Scene I)
Paris @b______
Yo who is Romeo. Y'all saying i'm cooked. Who is this man???🤔🤔🤔 #cooked #who? #capuletsontop #buggin (Act I, Scene I)
Tybalt @a______
Hi, my name is Tybalt. I am Juliet's cousin and I'm pugnacious which means I like to fight. #fighttothedealth #Capulets (Act I, Scene I)
Tybalt @j______
How dare Benvolio try and stop us #Capulets from our goals! We Capulets are the best family there is in Verona! #Capulets #Werule (Act I, Scene I)

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