Tweets of Lord Capulet
Lord Capulet @n______
#Paris I understand you want to marry my daughter Juliet, but you shall wait. Juliet hath not seen the change of fourteen years. Therefore you may attend my party tonight, but must wait in order for me to grant you permission to marry her. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @a______
So I now know who Juliet will marry but not right now she is too young so Paris you will have to wait she is only 13. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @g______
Paris, my daughter to young to be your girl. Wait a few years. Low-key weird you wanna 13 year girl. #weirdo #botactvities (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @j______
My child, Juliet should wait till 14 to marry Paris. There is no need to rush. Paris I cannot wait for this prideful event. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @b______
My daughter Juliet is too young to be married. In a year or so, she will be wed with Paris but for now, we must wait. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @a______
Hello, my name is lord capulet, there is this family called the Montague and for them to perish would be my greatest achievements, If you can't tell im ferocious, and you will find out one way or another. (I see red) #FreeRio#ENDTHEMONTAGUES (Act I, Scene I)
Lord Capulet @m______
My daughter is far too young to marry someone, she is still my little angel who doesn't know much about the world! However soon, she will be able to marry someone that will take great care of her I am sure. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @a______
I gave the servant the list of who to invite to my glorious party I'm going to host soon. There is no way he can mess something up! right? (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @h______
Although Lord Montague might be if not already my nemesis, his son isn't to take accountability for our mutual hatred. (Act I, Scene II)
Lord Capulet @k______
Yo Paris you gotta let her get older first. Give her 2 more years then come back to me. Its still too early. (Act I, Scene II)
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