Mrs. Paluzzi's P.7 Tweets
Romeo @a______
wow i cant believe i thought i was in love with rosaline but when i saw this girl it was love at first site #rosalinesucks (Act I, Scene V)
Paris @s______
Ya'll please pray for me that I don't somehow fumble over this girl please. 😭🙏 #marriage #rizz #party (Act I, Scene II)
Juliet @l______
I just found the love of my life. We had the most perfect kiss ever and I just know I need to marry this man. (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @k______
I've found the love of my life. A new chapter for me is here. Rosaline is the past and I've moved on. I have a new love. #AnotherLove (Act I, Scene V)
Juliet @a______
This guy is so handsome fr, he is so hot and dreamy. 🥰I wanna marry him, who wants to be my maid of honor guys. His name is Romeo but our dads might be enemy's ngl. #yolo. Keep it on the down low. #loveofmylife #donttellmydadpls🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @k______
She is the girl of my dreams. Juliet is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I've never seen anyone so beautiful. I had to take a kiss from her. I think I am in love, but she is a Capulet. The daughter of my family's enemy. (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @m______
Been desperate lately over this girl. I tried shooting my shot but I missed😔. I'm down in the dumps. Pray for me🙏. (Act I, Scene I)
Prince Escalus @j______
Js slid on the opps w gang. Tybalt was tweaking, bro was itching for a fight😭😭. Montague K🥱🥱🥱. (Act I, Scene I)
Benvolio @j______
I tried to stop the argument, but they kept fighting.. we need peace around here! I don't see the point! (Act I, Scene I)
Lord Montague @g______
What has happened to my boy, he used to be so happy now all he does is lock himself in his room and is always sad and idk what to do (Act I, Scene I)
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