Mrs. Paluzzi's P.6 Tweets
Benvolio @c______
Romeo, my friend, you're lovesick over sweet Rosaline again? Lighten up, enjoy the pleasures of life! Her vow of chastity wounds you deeper than necessary. Forget this wench - the hunt of love is worth more than the prize, my melancholic kinsman! #positive #headup (Act I, Scene III)
Juliet @l______
Found the love of my life in my house. Kissed him too. As well found out he was Montague my greatest enemy. I´m in love with my greatest enemy this is bad.#loveoflife (Act I, Scene V)
Tybalt @k______
Tell me why I saw a Montague at the Capulet party🤬🤬🤬 Romeo better hope I never see him anytime soon... If I catch him it's gonna get wicked...😈 (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @s______
I have found the woman of my life at this mascaraed. She was beautiful and her kisses were the most magical thing I have experienced. My heart has been healed with the touch of her lips. #inlove #wifey (Act I, Scene V)
Mercutio @c______
Benvolio suggested for us to go indoor because he feared that a brawl would break loose and we would have no other choose but to be involved. #GOODFRIEND (Act I, Scene I)
Benvolio @h______
it's so annoying that Romeo is so obsessed with Rosaline. She is not even that pretty and he has to understand that there are so many girls and he could do better someone help him (Act I, Scene I)
Romeo @s______
Guys I just kissed someone I just met 2 minutes ago I lowk think shes the love of my life but shes a capulet so idk what to do #plshelp 🙏🙏 (Act I, Scene V)
Lord Capulet @m______
I meet young Romeo tonight I have heard stories of him how good he is. Hopefully Juliet will forget about him before she marries Paris otherwise Romeo is a good person. (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @l______
I just met Juliet and I really like her. I think she will help me get over Rosaline but there's one big problem. I just found out that Juliet is a Capulet. #IsThisTheOne #ICantBelieveThis (Act I, Scene V)
Romeo @e______
Yo guys today I went to a party with my friends i saw Juliet and she's really beautiful I think I'm in love with her😬 #someoneisinlove (Act I, Scene V)
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