Tweets of Mercutio
Mercutio @a______
Benvolio and I are in search for our dear friend Romeo. He was with us at the party last night but then he disappeared last night at the party. If you know where he his please tell Benvolio or me. (Act II, Scene I)
Mercutio @j______
#Romeo has betrayed me once again. He and I are no longer on speaking terms because how dare he leave #Benvolio and me at our foe's party. #fakefriend (Act II, Scene IV)
Mercutio @g______
Dreams aren't real! Just a childish fantasy. They mean nothing to the real world and will never happen! (Act I, Scene IV)
Mercutio @c______
Benvolio suggested for us to go indoor because he feared that a brawl would break loose and we would have no other choose but to be involved. #GOODFRIEND (Act I, Scene I)
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