Tweets of Juliet
Juliet @e______
No, No no, the plan didn't work. Now here lays Romeo dead. Friar Laurence promised the plan would work and we would be able to live happily. What do I do now, I have nothing to live for. Why did you have to kill yourself. Oh Romeo. (Act V, Scene III)
Juliet @r______
My sweet romeo has been banished. oh i wonder if i will ever see him again. my parents think i am morning the loss of my cousin tybalt. So they have offered to marry me off in a few days. what will i do. i have to think of a way to stop this marriage. (Act III, Scene II)
Juliet @j______
That Friar Laurence has come up with such a plan bound to work hopefully.I just hope I'm not alone with the dead. (Act IV, Scene I)
Juliet @a______
I really hope this poison that Friar Laurence gave me works and my Romeo and I could be happy together after this. Well here goes nothing.#poison #notreallydead (Act IV, Scene III)
Juliet @i______
I will never marry Paris. Bless though Friar Lawerence for giving me freedom. Tonight before I lay I will take this potion that will make me look like I decayed. #Imnotdead#youallthought#Imaginethinkingimdead (Act IV, Scene I)
Juliet @l______
If this potion works I will be up in 42 hours with Romeo and we could start a new life together. But what if it doesn't work? Will I die? Will Romeo be there before I wake up? Only one way to find out and I really don't want to marry Paris. #sweetdreams #runaway (Act IV, Scene III)
Juliet @p______
I've woken up to Romeo being dead beside me. The plan Friar Laurence and I made did not work and now he is gone! I thought this would've worked but now I will be gone with him too. #FriarLaurence #Romeo #dead #sad (Act V, Scene III)
Juliet @m______
Hello my friends and family Romeo is dead and I must go with him I did this whole sleep potion thing for him so we can be together but I guess it didn't go as planned and I can't live without him I love him and I must be with him I love you all but I must go.#truelove#rideordie (Act V, Scene III)
Juliet @b______
Frair Laurence gave me this "Vail" I am not sure if its safe or not, but you know what I'll drink it whatever it takes to be with Romeo.. still worried though #Capulet #Juliet (Act IV, Scene I)
Juliet @h______
Unfortunately, the happy marriage turned gloomy. I have to walk this new route by myself, even if my heart hurts with grief. Friar Laurence's plan unfolds. (Act IV, Scene V)
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